Enjoying Park Place and Anticipating Astoria: Paulette and Hubert - Alavida Lifestyles


Featuring our residents Paulette and Hubert from Park Place by Alavida Lifestyles; Illustration by Krisanne Gonsalves.

Paulette and Hubert are currently residents at Park Place by Alavida Lifestyles and eagerly anticipate their upcoming move into the luxurious and brand-new Astoria! Park Place, nestled in a serene location, offers a tranquil escape from the hustle and bustle of everyday life while providing convenient access to various amenities and services. For Paulette and Hubert, the true essence of Park Place lies in the peaceful environment – fostering a comfortable atmosphere that makes them feel like they belong. 

While Astoria is poised to take their concept of home to new heights, where every detail has been carefully considered to create a haven that reflects its values and offers the utmost in comfort and convenience with the same tranquil environment, in addition to its modern architecture, state-of-the-art facilities, and innovative design.

Read on as we delve into their unique perspectives and gain insight into their experiences and the joys they have discovered in choosing a home that goes beyond being a place to reside but a place they can call home. 

How have you been enjoying your time at Park Place

Paulette: We couldn’t enjoy it more. We are very happy here! 

Can you tell us about the staff at Park Place?

Paulette: The staff here has been incredibly supportive. They offered to help us unpack and settle in when we moved in. The front desk staff and the dining room staff are fantastic, and all the services they provide are top-notch.

Hubert: I definitely agree. 

Are there any activities or programs you enjoy participating in?

Paulette: While we don’t regularly participate in activities, we have found our home here at Park Place. This is our place for this stage of our lives, and it genuinely feels like home. However, we do attend special events and celebrations from time to time. Hubert loves playing his harmonica during these gatherings; we always enjoy happy hour. We had a blast at a GermanFest event organized here. We appreciate the socializing opportunities, but we also value our quiet time and pursuing our own hobbies. 

Nevertheless, it’s great that these activities and programs are available for residents. In fact, we’ve been encouraging our friend, who currently lives alone, to consider moving here. She would benefit from the programs, activities, and support offered and is even considering the move to Astoria to access its unique offerings. We think she would love it!

What do you like most about the overall atmosphere and environment? 

Hubert: The atmosphere here is peaceful and quiet. We feel so comfortable and relaxed.

Paulette: I agree. We truly appreciate the quiet of this place. It’s one of the things we value most about living here.

Would you recommend Park Place to those looking for a similar environment?

Paulette: Absolutely!  

Hubert: We already have recommended it to others!

Paulette: Before moving here, I researched thoroughly and found many positive comments about Park Place. I even saw a great review from an old friend! That alone is a great reason to consider this place and a positive omen for us to consider moving. 

If you had to describe your experience living at Park Place in 3 words, which ones would you use?

Hubert: Comfortable, Quiet, Happy!